The perfect everyday handbag.
While it might seem simple, the art of shopping for the best everyday handbags can be challenging to master. An item that’s functional and easily holds all of the essentials is non-negotiable, plus if you ask us it needs to be undeniably beautiful and versatile enough to seamlessly style with several outfits.Good money investment
It’s elegant, timeless, and it goes with several style .
Capacity is one more important factors our customers mentioned .
Our Layla structured bag is very roomy and and it fits all daily essentials (phone , earpods, makeup, key…. )
Classic and natural colors .
It is no secrets that classic style and neutral colors always a good choice . It can get you through the day and easily transition to evening look. Our layla bag comes in 6 different colors, Black, beige, brown, red and green. These colors matches perfectly with basically any outfit—no matter the season.
Functionality and multi purposes bag .
Our Layla bag is a closet stable, the design of the bag is very functional, it can be worn as top handle Bag and cross body for maximal versatility.
The prices, this Whole project started because I was always on the hunt for the perfect elegant designer handbags that doesn’t break the bank
I can confidently say our handbag is made with the finest vegan leather, designer bags look. Very luxury and sophisticated, yet in affordable prices for all women .
Finally , the bag is amazingly structured, and beautifully made from a premiums Vegan leather , that is good for all creature.
We try in Levantine bags to do the best ethical and sustainable practice for our planet and all human.